INSPIRE full form= Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research
MANAK full form= Million Minds Augmenting National Aspirations & Knowledge.
INSPIRE- Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research scheme is one of the flagship programmes of Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India.
INSPIRE Awards – MANAK, being executed by DST with National Innovation Foundation – India (NIF),
This is an autonomous body of DST, aims to motivate students in the age group of 10-15 years & studying in classes 6 to 10.
The objective of the scheme is to target one million original ideas/innovations rooted in science & societal applications to foster a culture of creativity and innovative thinking among school children.
Under this scheme, schools can nominate 5 best original ideas/innovations of students through the website.
This scheme is being operationalized as per the few steps:-
- Awareness & capacity building of District, State & School level functionaries across the country through regional workshops, audio-visual tools & literature.
- Organizing internal idea competitions in schools & nominations of two to three best original ideas, in ALL Indian language, by the respective Principal/Headmaster online through E-MIAS portal.
- The schools should register themselves on E-MIAS portal.Shortlisting of top 1,00,000 (one lakh) ideas, with potential to address societal needs through Science & Technology by NIF.
- Disbursement of INSPIRE Award of Rs. 10,000 into the bank accounts of short-listed students through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) scheme.
- Organization of District Level Exhibition & Project Competition (DLEPC) by District/State authorities and shortlisting of 10,000 best ideas/innovations for State Level Exhibition & Project Competitions (SLEPC).
- Organization of State Level Exhibition & Project Competition (SLEPC) for further shortlisting of top 1,000 ideas/innovations for the National Level Exhibition & Project Competition (NLEPC). In this stage, NIF will provide mentoring support to students for development of prototypes, in coordination with reputed academic & technology institutions of the country.
- Selection of ideas or innovations will be based on novelty, social applicability, environment friendliness, user friendliness and comparative advantage over the existing similar technologies.
- Showcasing 1,000 best ideas or innovations at the National Level Exhibition & Project Competition (NLEPC) & shortlisting of top 60 innovations for national awards & future direction.
- Consideration of top 60 ideas/innovations by NIF for product/process development and their linkage with other schemes of NIF/DST & their display at the Annual Festival of Innovation & Entrepreneurship (FINE).
- Under this INSPIRE scheme, all recognized schools in the country, including private schools, having classes from 6th to 10th, are eligible to enroll in the scheme & submit nominations of eligible children to DST through their respective District / State education authorities on-line.
For a new registration, the concerned schools have to do a new registration process & have to obtain a permanent registration no. (Application No.) from their respective district authority.
If already registered please directly proceed with the login option. If there are any issues with the user id and password please use the forget password option.
For Update & Authentic info:-
Inspire national level Selected
Inspire international level selected
Inspire district science fare
Inspire district science fare
Inspire district science fare