unnati program telangana learning improvement program in telugu
Implementation of Unnathi
Learning Improvement Programme for the classes 6th to 9th
Conducting of 3-day District Level Training Programme to Headmasters & Teachers in non-residential mode
Present: Smt. M. Radha Reddy, M.Sc., B.Ed.
Rc.No. 23/Evaluation/TSCERT/CIPS/2023:Date: 16.08.2023
- Sub: TSCERT Dept. of Evaluation – Implementation of Unnathi Learning Improvement Programme for the classes 6th to 9th – Conducting of 3-day District Level Training Programme to Headmasters & Teachers in non- residential mode – Instructions issued – Reg.
- Ref:- This office Proc.Rc.No.23/Evaluation/TSCERT/CIPS/2023, dated: 14.08.2023.
    The attention of all the District Educational Officers in the State, that instructions to be followed about 3-day District Level Training Programme to Headmasters & Teachers as detailed below:
- 1) Course Director – Senior most school complex HM Sectoral officer, Samagra Shiksha / Secretary DCEB/District Science Officer.
- 2) Asst. Coordinator – Headmaster of the concerned school (training venue).
3) Quality Cordinator, Samagra Shiksha is the overall incharge of the District Level Training Programmes. - 4) DEO/ Principal DIET / Sectoral Officers, Samagra Shiksha should visit the training venues.
- 5) DEOS to inform District Collector / Addl. Collector Local Bodies about the District Level Training Programme.
- 6) Utilize the services of State Level Resource Persons during the training programmes at District Level.
- 7) Visting Officers not to disturb the training sessions during their visit to the training venues.
- 8) Everyday conduct review about the training sessions conducted with the Resource Persons.
- 9) Day-wise and total programme documentation should be done and submitted to the Director, SCERT.
- 10) Day-wise Sesssion-wise PPTs of all the subjects will be sent through google drive. Therefore, to ensure the utilization of them in the training programmes.
- 11) Ensure ICT facilities / IFP/K-Yan/LCD Projector at training venues.
- 12) Teacher handbooks should reach the training venues in advance and to be given to the participants on the 1st day of the training venues.
Therefore, all the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to take necessary action accordingly.
- All the District Educational Officers in the State.
- The Regional Joint Directors of School Education, Hyderabad & Warangal.
- Copy submitted to: Director, SCERT
The Secretary to Govt. Education Department, Govt. of Telangana, Hyderabad for favour of information. - The Director of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad for favour of information.
- The Director of School Education & Ex-officio, State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha, Telangana, Hyderabad for favour of information.