TSTET 2024 notification online apply syllabus exam dates
Applications are invited from eligible candidates who intend to be teachers for classes I to VIII in schools in Telangana State for appearing for the Telangana Teacher Eligibility Test TS TET 2024.
TS TET 2024 to be conducted Online as “Computer Based Test” CBT by Department. of School Education, Government of Telangana State from 20.05.2024 to 03.06.2024.
TS TET-2024 Date & Time:-
TS TET 2024 will be conducted ONLINE as CBT between 20.05.2024 & 03.06.2024 in the 11 districts of the state
The duration and timings of the test are:-
- Session-I: 9.00 AM to 11.30 AM (duration 2 -30 hours)
- Session-II: 2.00 PM to 4.30 PM (duration 2-30 hours)
Paper-wise detailed schedule shall be notified later.
There will be TWO papers of the TS-TET:-
- Paper-I will be for a person who intends to be a teacher for Classes I to V, Paper-II will be for a person who intends to be a teacher for Classes VI to VIII.
- Note: A person who intends to be a teacher either for classes I to V or for classes VI to VIII shall have to appear for both papers (Paper I and Paper II).
TS TET 2024 Eligibility Qualifications:
Eligibility for TSTET Paper 1:
(for Classes I to V)
- Intermediate / or its equivalent with at least 50% marks. For SC/ST/BC/Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 45%.
- A N D
- pass in 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education
- OR
- 4-year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.)
- OR
- 2-year Diploma in Education (Special Education).
- OR
- Intermediate / OR its equivalent with atleast 45% marks
- For SC / ST / BC / Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall
be 40%. - A N D
- A pass in 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education
- OR
- A 4-year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.)
- OR
- 2 years Diploma in Education (Special Education)
The candidates who have passed or admitted to D.El.Ed / D.Ed.
- BA./BSc./BCom., with atleast 50% marks.
- (For SC/ST/BC/Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 45%.)
- A N D
- A pass in Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) course OR Bachelor of Education (B.Ed in Special Education).
- OR
- B.A./B.Sc./BCom., with at least 50% marks.
- For SC/ST/BC/Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 40%. A N D
pass in Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) course - OR
- Bachelor of Education (B.Ed -Special Education)
- The candidates who have passed or admitted to B.Ed., course prior to issue of these guidelines (23-12-2015).
- OR
- 4-year B.A.Ed/B.Sc.Ed., with at least 50% marks.
- For SC/ST/BC/Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 45%.
- OR
- Graduation with language concerned as one of the optional subjects OR Bachelor of oriental language (or its equivalent)
- OR
- Graduation in literature
- OR
- Post Graduation -PG in language concerned
- A N D
- Language Pandit Training Certificate
- OR
- B.Ed with language concerned as one of the Methodologies, in respect of Language Teachers.
- OR
- B.E/B.Tech with at least 50% marks.
- For SC/ST/BC/Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 45% + Pass in
- Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) or B.Ed. (Special Education).
The candidates, who are appearing for the final year of Bachelor of Education OR Diploma in Elementary Education etc., are also eligible to appear for TET Examination.
TS TET Paper- I:
No. of Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) – 150
Duration of Examination: 2 hours and 30 minutes:
Structure & Content (All Compulsory)
- Child Development & Pedagogy
- Language I
- Language II English
- Mathematics
- Environmental Studies
The test items on Child Development & Pedagogy will focus on Educational Psychology of teaching – learning relevant to the primary level
No. of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)– 150:
Duration of Examination: 2 hours and 30 minutes
Structure & Content (All Compulsory):
- Child Development & Pedagogy
- Language I
- Language II English
- a) For Mathematics & Science teachers: Mathematics & Science.
b) For Social Studies Teachers: Social Studies
c) for any other teacher – either iv (a) or iv (b)
Note:- The test items on Child Development & Pedagogy will focus on Educational Psychology of teaching and learning relevant to the elementary level.
Note: For Paper II Mathematics & Science sectors, questions will be as follows:-
- (i) Mathematics – 30 MCQs (Content 24; Pedagogy 06)
- (ii) Science – 30 MCQs (Content 24; Pedagogy 06)
- a) Content – Physical Science – 12 MCQs
b) Content – Biological Science – 12 MCQs
c) Science Pedagogy – 06 MCQs.
Note:- For Paper II Social Studies, the syllabus will cover the sectors/areas namely, History, Geography, Civics and Economics. Out of 60 marks, 48 will be on content and the remaining 12 on Pedagogy
Note:- For Paper II, the syllabi for TS-TET of Mathematics & Sciences, Social Studies are based on topics of Classes VI to VIII. The difficulty standard of questions as well as their linkages could be up to Senior Secondary Level (12th class).
The percentage of TSTET qualifying marks for different categories are;-
- General 60% & above
- BCs 50% & above
- SC/ST/Differently abled 40% & above
TSTET Hall Tickets Download:
- Candidates can download their Hall Tickets from the website at https://schooledu.telangana.gov.in from 15.05.2024.
How to apply online TS TET 2024:-
- Visit https://schooledu.telangana.gov.in
- Click; Application Submission Form
- Enter your Journal Number, Date of Payment, Date of Birth issuedat the time of Online payment
- Click “Proceed to fill Application”
- The application will beopen
- When the application form is opened, Fill all the mandatory fields
- Click on “Preview” button provided in the bottom of the form for preview before submitting the application
- If you find all the details correct press SUBMIT for final submission
- On clicking the “Submit” button the application of the candidate will freeze. ‘all the details are filled in properly.
- Application cannot be edited after final submission
- Candidate will get an SMS to the registered mobile number
On successfully submission of application form online the candidate shall preserve the details (payment ID, Journal number etc.,) carefully for any kind of future correspondence.
- On completion of submission, the candidates shall take a printout of the
- Application & store it for future use. Candidates should not post the printout of the application to TS-TET Cell.
- Any clarification before or during or after submission of Application Online,
- Candidates can contact the Help desk Numbers from 27.03.2024
- To 10.04.2024 on all working days.
Help Line Numbers for Domain related issues-7075701768 / 84
Help Line Numbers for Technical issues -Ph: 7032901383
For any other clarifications the candidates may contact TS-TET office Telephone: 7075701763 / 64.